New students

People who want to enter our courses as new students should:

1. Read and know the “Terms and Conditions of the Enrollment”, our “Community Handbook”, and our “Data Processing Policy.”

2. If you have previous knowledge in English or French, or have taken courses in those languages, and want to access a  higher level than Basic 1, you can take a placement test. Check here dates and requirements to complete the registration process.

3. Consult the enrollment instructions, where you will find the steps to follow to complete suitably your registration process.

* The places for different schedules are limited; they are assigned according to the order of registration and subject to availability.

If you can not register by this means, you can do it personally at the Language Center facilities (Calle 79 # 16 32), from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

5. The payment receipt must be printed on a laser printer and paid at Banco Davivienda.

6. Once your you have paid the enrollment receipt, go to the Language Center (Calle 79 n.º 16-32), from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and  include the following documentation:

  • The payment receipt paid with the bank stamp.
  • An ID photocopy
  • A photocopy of the affiliated registry to any EPS
  • Two 3×4 photos (any background)
  • A photocopy of the military ID (if you have the document)
  • An enrolLment form filled out
  • A student card form filled out
  • An authorization to process personal data and underage users  filled out and signed properly.
  • People who have a connection with UPN must show support documents

Incomplete documentation may NOT be received because all documents are necessary to legalize the enrollment.


Former students

People who want to enter our courses as former students should:

1. Read and know the “Terms and Conditions of the Enrollment”, our “Community Handbook”, and our “Data Processing Policy.”

2. Consult the registration instructions, where you will find the steps to follow to complete suitably your registration process.

* The places for different schedules are limited; they are assigned according to order of registration and subject to availability.


If you require any change of schedule, branch or modality, the process has a cost of $ 39,400 (rate 2019) and you should: If the Enrollment Application has a system error regarding registration or generation payment receipt, you should:

Send an email to info.centrodelenguas@pedagogica.edu.co, taking into account the stipulated dates and including all the student’s information, as follows:

– The ID number (with which you are registered in the system)
– Complete names
– Level
– Language
– Schedule
– Discount support (if the student has any connection  with UPN)
– Attach evidence of the error presented or report it in detail.
– If a change of schedule, branch  or modality is needed,  report your requirement.

Keep in mind that upon the request, it will  take within the next 24 business hours by the person in charge  who will be responsible to generate the corresponding payment receipts. It is therefore important to refrain from accessing the application again or come to our facilities to avoid creating a new process and errors in your registration due to possible information duplication.

4. The payment receipt must be printed on a laser printer and paid at Banco Davivienda.

5. Once your registration receipt is paid, your enrollment will be automatically legalized, so you should not carry out any additional procedure.

6. To start classes, consult dates in the academic calendar.